False indigo and spiderwort are just two of the plants in full purple flower in my garden right now. I also have chives, sage, lupines, and Siberian iris. When the purples fade, the garden has a brief period of whites (Shasta daisies, more irises and daylilies), before it moves into the yellow phase. I think I like the purples best. What colors are blooming in your garden this week?
I love the purple flowers!
Posted by: KalynsKitchen | June 23, 2014 at 09:08 AM
I have indigo, too, a new plant for me this year. Planted last summer, it is in full bloom now. My iris are done, more's the pity, and so are the chives (which will return for a second growth as I cut them down, or "gave them a haircut" as my herb farm co-worker used to say).
I have a beautiful stand of lavender, so gorgeous and aromatic,several varieties: English, French, Hidcote, Jean Davis. And one in the back garden that I share with my neighbor. She has purple clematis.
I. Love. Purple.
Posted by: Connie Ciampanelli | June 23, 2014 at 09:28 AM