Let's face it: women's health care just ain't what it used to be a few years ago. Those of us who live in the Northeast, who have access to quality care and the resources to afford it, are luckier than we can imagine. In much of the US, women's reproductive health care is either no longer available, or so restricted that it's available only to those wealthy enough to work around the restrictions. For women in need of reproductive health care or gender-affirming services, Elevated Access, an all-volunteer corps of pilots using donated private planes, transports women at no cost to get the care they need. The services of this young nonprofit organization are available all over the country. They accept referrals from case workers, direct-support organizations, and health care providers to evaluate the need and try to locate a pilot to handle the flight. Pilots, thank you for your service.
This is great, I hadn't ever heard of this program.
Posted by: Kalyn Denny | August 02, 2023 at 08:37 AM
Isn't this a great program? I'm all for it.
Posted by: Lydia | August 02, 2023 at 08:39 AM