What's better than a petition that's a bit left-leaning, brief and to-the-point, from a nonprofit partner organization you trust on an issue you care about, that comes right into your inbox and you can sign with your email address? Civic Shout, based in Delaware, sends me one or two petitions each day, on topics like protecting old-growth forests, racial justice, urging Congress not to give public land to mining companies, extending the deadline for higher education financial aid, and protecting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. For each petition, you know what organization is sponsoring it, and what the key text of the petition advocates. Sign the petitions you support, and skip the ones you don't. This is not a fundraising operation; it's strictly petitions created by some of the best known nonprofits, like Sierra Club, Save the Children, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and more, on issues that are near and dear to my heart. I've looked all through their site, and there doesn't seem to be a way to sign up, but if you skim through their list of most recent petitions and sign one, I think that will get you on the Civic Shout mailing list. I'm sure that's how they found me, and I'm so glad they did.