In Boston, there's no such thing as too much Riverdance. This clip is my favorite, from all of the versions that have played in Boston: a tap challenge. Go ahead and smile.
Boston hosts the most amazing variety of performances, thanks to an engaged and educated population, a ginormous university community, and the presence of some of the top music schools in the country (Berklee, New England Conservatory of Music, etc.). World Music/Crash Arts gets the highest marks for diversity, accessibility, and creativity. They offer horizon-expanding performances at venues throughout the Boston area, from large theaters to more intimate rooms, and some dance halls for younger and more energetic crowds. Over the years, we've seen artists such as Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares, Tuvan throat singers, African rockers, a Haitian contemporary folk trio, musicians from Israel and, coming up later this spring, Rhiannon Giddens (above). Their tag line is "Music and Dance from the Far and Near Corners of the Globe," and that's exactly what they deliver.
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