After working in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes for eight years, I've been thinking more and more about testing myself in a new format. Conversation groups aren't classes per se. There's no homework. No reading challenges. No tests. Conversation groups encourage students to interact with each other and with a facilitator/teacher, to get to know each other, and to share information and opinions. I've thought of a few conversation starters: (1) a list of very broad questions around a single topic (parenting, a visit to the doctor, cooking for the holidays, travel, meeting in a gym class, crafts, places to walk); and (2) reading and discussion of a recent newspaper article about a current event. Role playing could be fun, too: we all find ourselves in a new-to-us situation. How would we introduce ourselves and find out about the other people? I'm currently speaking with two agencies about possibly starting a conversation group, for a maximum of 10 students. I'll let you know how it works out.